Molchanova E.V.Institute of Economics of Karelian Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (IE KarRC RAS), Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Burkin M.M.Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU), Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article discusses the social and labor adaptation of the elderly people in line with the demographic aging of the population in Western Europe and Russia. Objectives. In the study, we conduct a comparative evaluation of healthcare and social aid in the Nordic countries, such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, and assess whether it can be adapted regionally, illustrating the case of the Republic of Karelia (Russia). Methods. The current situation is analyzed through regulatory and legislative documents on retirement benefits, social security and healthcare in the Nordic countries, Russia and the Republic of Karelia (Russia), and official statistics. All data were sorted as a special set of data that includes several related blocks, such as legislative and regulatory documents, retirement benefits and financial aid, social aid, healthcare. We carried out a comparative analysis of key medical-demographic and socio-economic indicators, and statistical apparatus. Results. Consecutively summarizing the situation in the Nordic countries and Russia, and evaluating population aging patterns in the regional context, we discovered distinctions of the social and labor adaptation at the macro- and meso-levels. The article analyzed areas of retirement benefits and financial wellbeing, social and medical aid, labor and professional adaptation, educational support to the elderly people. We especially evaluate whether it is possible to implement social innovations of the Nordic countries for the third age people in the Russian practice and at the regional level, in particular. Conclusions and Relevance. We suggest following various areas of the social and labor adaptation of the elderly people by integrating a comprehensive approach with respect to the issue. The findings can be used to outline programs for the healthcare and demographic policy with reference to processes of the demographic aging and in pursuit of the better standards of living of the third age group.
Keywords: demography, health care system, population aging
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