Subject. The article discusses the modeling of preventive protection of IT systems and evaluates their cyber resilience. Objectives. The study evaluates the existing threats and determines how informatization processes may unfold in the credit segment. Methods. Research is based on methods of regulatory and legislative analysis. We evaluate today’s public administration of cybersecurity in the financial and credit sector. To give a view of the existing situation and sum up the sector’s performance for the recent years, we performed the content analysis of statistics on data hacking and leakages. Results. The article highlights new trends in the financial and credit sector and the growing complexity of data security systems. As proposed by the Bank of Russia, the integration of smart technologies is showed to reinforce the cybersecurity of banking systems. Conclusions and Relevance. The informatization of all banking operation systems, growing complexity of procedures and work logs require new robust resources to be integrated into financial technologies. Stronger cybersecurity should lay a trend in the financial and credit sector in the nearest future. The findings can be used to flag strategic milestones of the banking development in the information-driven society.
Keywords: credit institution, cyber resilience, smart technology, digitalization, Industry 4.0
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