The German concept and program of Industry 4.0: Considerations of the digital economy management (The overview of the Russian studies into digital economy)
Subject The study focuses on the implementation of the digital economy through managerial knowledge of the Industry 4.0 initiative for 2011–2017 and forges tools for laying the basis of the Management 4.0 concept, which would work for the Russian digital economy. We examine the concept and program of Industry 4.0 (Germany) in terms of the current Russian studies into digital economy. Objectives The research substantiates the importance of studying the Industry 4.0 initiative as a know how of the German economic school by reviewing the Russian proceedings on the digital economy, Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things. Methods The research relies upon general methods of cognition, methods of systems analysis, techniques of generalization and grouping, abstraction and logic method. Results The article releases the outcome of the first part of the research we conducted in 2013–2019 for three steps. We present results of each step and seven conclusions on three aspects of the research substantiating the study of Industry 4.0, Management 4.0. The article offers our recommendations for and on search engines for researchers, those who practically deal with the digital economy. Conclusions and Relevance The Russian researchers have just commenced their scholarly attempts to investigate the digital economy management. Based on their proceedings on the digital economy, we justify the importance to differentiate the concepts of Internet of Things and Industry 4.0.
Keywords: digital economy management, digital economy, Industry 4.0, virtual business, digital competence, E-Health
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