Sokolova L.A.Ural State University of Economics (USUE), Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Maramygin M.S.Ural State University of Economics (USUE), Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Subject Investing activity of an insurance company is the main driver of successful performance since it ensures the financial stability. Insurance companies conduct investing activity by depositing their insurance reserves and equity. Objectives The article outlines a proprietary interpretation of theoretical and methodological definitions of investing activity that insurance companies may carry out, as adopted in the Russian Federation to date. Methods The study is grounded on a comprehensive view of insurance companies’ investment. We applied methods of mathematical modeling, scientific abstraction, formal logic, comparison and generalization, evolutionary and dynamic analysis. Results We unfolded the theoretical and methodological meaning of investing activity insurance companies lead in Russia. We analyze the current legislative regulation of such activity from perspectives of insurance companies investing their insurance reserves in Russia as prescribed in the effective laws. The article provides a holistic evaluation of comprehensive assets held by insurance companies for purposes of this research, and concentration of insurance companies’ investment resources in some stock markets. We examine trends and proportions of corporate bond market developments and evaluate a sample of financial instruments within comprehensive assets of insurance companies. The article also gives a view of insurance companies’ assets and their structure in Russia within 2014–2017. Conclusions and Relevance Asset markets are rather extensive, allowing insurance companies conduct profitable investing operations. However, the government should implement an effective economic policy.
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