Subject The article focuses on the innovation multiplier and examines its nature in Russia. Objectives The research determines the impact of groups of factors on the value of the Russian innovation multiplier and checks the possibility to increase it. Methods The research is based on a systems approach and methods of statistical analysis. To measure the Russian innovation multiplier, we reviewed trends in gross domestic expenditures on R&D by sources of finance, number of people employed and sector. Results R&D expenditures grow sustainably in the public sector and private sector employing 500 people and more. For business development purposes, the Russian public sector supports profit-making entities' R&D expenditures, i.e. public procurement orders for R&D in oil and gas, defense and industrial complex. Having compared Russia's gross domestic expenditure with that of Germany, Japan, China and the USA, we found out that the public sector, profit-making companies and the government were unable to manage their R&D spending. Conclusions and Relevance The Russian innovation multiplier is limited to the public sector, with its value being pegged to the annual growth rates of GDP. The Russian innovation multiplier is low as the government has a considerable impact on the mix of R&D expenditures. Further growth is impossible unless the government decreases its interference. The findings are reasonable to use in formulating additional clauses to the Federal Law, On Innovative Activity and State Policy for Innovation in the Russian Federation.
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