Subject Energy security has been increasingly important in solving the problems of large energy systems development. The article considers the evolution of the energy security concept. Objectives The purpose of the study is to identify factors behind the evolution of the energy security concept. Methods In the study, I apply general theoretical methods of scientific knowledge, such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. Results I distinguish five stages in the evolution of the energy security concept. The paper considers the change in the content of the energy security concept against the backdrop of historical events and analysis of socio-economic situation in a given period. The analysis of special features of socio-economic development and events that took place during the selected period of time enabled to achieve the principal objective of the study, i.e. to identify factors that contributed to the evolution of the energy security concept. Conclusions and Relevance The analysis demonstrated that the energy security concept has evolved considerably. Numerous factors, like complicated interrelations between economy and energy, increasing political and economic risks, rapid introduction of new technologies in the production and processing of energy resources, and others are conducive to its further development.
Keywords: economy, energy, energy security, fuel and energy sector
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