Importance The article overviews criteria for assessing the region's food security, which are formulated on the basis of the stereochemical conformity. Objectives The research comprehensively examines the food security of Russia and outlines techniques for food security assessment in the region. We also evaluate the food security level of the Astrakhan oblast and substantiate prospects for its increase. Methods The research involves monographic, economic, statistical and performance-based methods. We also use and analyze materials of international advisory agencies, and Rosstat data. Results As stated in the article, the Astrakhan oblast possesses natural and other resources needed to satisfy public needs in food under consumption standards of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. We try out the technique and assess key indicators. Conclusions and Relevance Considering qualitative characteristics of food products, food security of the region is rather low. It shapes future avenues of researches that would further elaborate the issue of improving the food security level of the region.
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