Kovalev A.A.North-West Institute of Management of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation senator23@yandex.ru
Importance This article attempts to study the importance of resource security in formulating issues of the global confrontation of States as it is seen today. I review the specifics of the globalization process and its impact on crisis phenomena in the natural resource management and destabilization of the architecture of contemporary international relations. Objectives I analyze factors and aspects streamlining or undermining the formation of the effective national security system, and in resource security, in particular. Methods The research draws upon proceedings by the Russian and foreign experts in resource, economic and national security. I apply methods of scientific, comparative and matching analysis, general scientific methods of theoretical, empirical cognition and expert assessment method. Results I review the substance of resource security and prove the escalation of this issue as a result of the environmental, structural and institutional crisis of the global geopolitical system and international security system. Conclusions and Relevance I substantiate it is necessary to formulate an integral concept of resource security as a fundamental component of the general system of national and global security. The findings can be used to articulate the methodology and strategy for the system of national security.
Keywords: resource security, geopolitical confrontation, national security, national security
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