Importance In Russia, labor migration is reaching a menacing scale. Migrants have got involved into various extremist groups actively, etc. In such circumstances, the protection of the population from terrorism becomes a crucial element of Russia's national security. Thus, the control and regulation of migration flows are very important to study. Objectives The research examines the current migration in the EU and extrapolates it to evaluate the situation in Russia. We analyze what causes threats of inward migration flows. The article sets out a working scheme that would help to monitor flows of migrant workers. Methods We compare and analyze statistics of migration processes in the EU and Russia. Results We find out that the EU crisis was induced by an uncontrollable flow of refugees, and undetected inefficiency of immigration policies in terms of migrants' integration. We determine similar and different aspects in immigration policies of the EU and Russia. Immigration policies should be amended. In this respect, we propose an innovative method for electronic control over migration flows within the Russian regions. Conclusions and Relevance We figured out what caused the migration crisis in the EU. Illustrating the implementation of the EU governmental programs for migration regulation, we propose identical approaches to this issue in Russia. Based on the European experience, we justify the proposed amendments to tighten control over labor migrants in the Russian Federation. We also propose an innovative method for defense and law enforcement agencies to control migration flows.
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