Subject The paper discusses the issues of formation of conditions and instruments for mobilizing the Russian economy under economic sanctions by the United States, European Union countries and others. Objectives The paper aims to analyze the possibility of mobilizing the economy in Russia and on the basis of this analysis, develop suggestions to enhance the effectiveness of the mobilization for transition to a new economy, the higher quality one. Methods The paper uses the logical methods of historical research, analysis and synthesis based on the system information and system-cognitive approaches and principles of design strategic and crisis management. The novelty of this work is to identify the conditions and instruments to ensure the effective mobilization of the Russian economy of innovation type. Results The paper contains system requirements and organizational and economic tools to mobilize the economy, the availability and use of which are necessary to successfully overcome the current socio-economic crisis and for the Russian economy transition to an innovative type of development. As a result of research, the paper presents systematized prerequisites, conditions, and tools for the effective mobilization of the Russian economy. Conclusions The paper concludes that mobilization of the economy requires the development of strategic organizational-economic instruments, relevant to the objectives of social development. A prerequisite for application of mobilization innovative type strategies is the cooperation of enterprises and scientific and technological organizations of average technological production equipment level or better.
Keywords: mobilization economy, crisis management, innovation type, development strategy, tools
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