RETRACTED: Effective solutions to socio-economic and environmental issues of water consumption in the large city
Retraction reason: Redundant publication. The author/contributor list has been changed. The article has been published in Journals: link and Link The article retraction was innitiated by the journal editor. Retraction date September 25, 2019
Pavlov K.V.Kamsky Institute of Humanitarian and Engineering Technologies, Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russian Federation
Importance Illustrating the City of Izhevsk, I review the socio-economic and environmental issues of water consumption, and propose methods to effectively address them. Objectives The research provides a rationale for activities to reinforce the reliability of water consumption and water sewage systems in the large city. Such activities should be planned using methods of the managerial decision making theory. Methods Based on statistical and economic methods, I analyzed various aspects of water consumption in the large city. Furthermore, the article involves methods of the theory of effective decision making in management. Results The article presents mechanisms and areas for increasing the reliability of water consumption and water sewage systems in the large city; evaluates trends in financial and economic indicators of the urban water supply system development, proposes activities for sustainable supply of potable water to large cities in compliance with current sanitary requirements. I also review environmental implications arising from the liquidation of toxic and poisonous substance warehouses. Conclusions and Relevance Whereas the regional economy is modernized to ensure sustainable water supply, consumption and sewage in large cities, it would be reasonable to implement the water consumption management system based on frequency converters. There should also be soft starter devices of asynchronous motors in water consumption facilities.
Keywords: socio-economic issues, environmental issues, water consumption, effective solution, Izhevsk
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