RETRACTED: The evolution of the shadow economy paradigm in researches
Retraction reason: Redundant publication. The author/contributor list has been changed. The article retraction was innitiated by the journal editor. Retraction date September 25, 2019
Importance The article discusses the shadow economy implying business operations of persons, which ignore national laws. Objectives The research analyzes the main researches into various aspects of the shadow economy by foreign and national scientists. It also points out the key milestones in the evolution of the most important concepts for studying the shadow economy. Methods The research employs a systems and institutional analysis, historical and logic methods, methods of analogy, analysis and synthesis of data. Results We identified five types of economic crimes, criteria that sensible criminals follow to increase their gains as much as possible, while having limited resources. The article describes how foreign and national scientists progressed in their researches into various issues of the shadow economy, and indicates the main areas and forms of the national shadow economy regulation policies. Conclusions and Relevance The shadow economy implies five types of economic crimes violating rights of consumers, employees, shareholders and lenders, State, and competition rules. The article highlights the main stages of foreign and national scientists' researches into the shadow economy. The shadow economy is of multifunctional nature, being evidence of decaying institutions, preserving obsolete forms of productive relations, and remaining a harmonious inclusion into the official economy as a response to challenges of globalization and scientific and technological progress.
Keywords: shadow economy, evolution, paradigm, scientific concept, development stage, government regulation
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