Importance Analyzing the system of Russia's economic and military security, it is possible to see to what extent it depends on the security of strategically important facilities, thus raising the need in a system concept of security. It implies a concurrent solution of strategic objectives in order to determine threats and set up a security system. Objectives The research aims at developing a versatile concept for comprehensive security of the Russian strategic facilities that would embrace legislative, regulatory and organizational measures, and engineering the technological activities. Methods The research relies upon a horizontal and vertical comparative analysis to study the structure of economic phenomena. I examine the structure of the Russian strategic facilities; reveal issues of contemporary security and safety of the Russian strategic facilities in order to increase its economic and military security. I explain why it is important to apply modern systems for security and control of access to such facilities, and finance mechanisms for ensuring the security of the facilities, especially in the current complication geopolitical circumstances. Results To ensure the security of the Russian strategic facilities, there should be a system concept to meet necessary and sufficient conditions and requirement for protecting those facilities. The concept should stipulate legislative, regulatory, organizational, engineering, technological and investment activities to enhance every aspect of facilities' security in terms of physical, information and social protection. Conclusions and Relevance There is no doubt in the need to devise a comprehensive systems concept for protecting strategic facilities of the Russian Federation and ensuring its economic and military security. The President of the Russian Federation personally monitors the issue. The more protected are the strategic facilities, the higher is the security of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: strategic facilities, security, protection, economic security, military security, dependence
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