Pozdnyakov A.I.Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation pozd1947@yandex.ru
Grafeev O.E.Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russian Federation ografeev@yandex.ru
Importance The article describes a number of threats to the national interests and economic security of Russia, noted in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020: reducing the competitiveness of the national economy, maintaining the export-raw materials development model, increasing the risk of exhaustion of critical mineral resources. Objectives The aim of the work is to examine the threats to the national interests of the Russian Federation in terms of their technological and economic components, develop potential measures to prevent their possible impact on the interests of the country. The authors analyzed technological components of threats to the national interest of economic character. Methods Using the methods of analysis and synthesis, the authors considered threats to the national interests and economic security of Russia, proposed a number of measures to counter them, analyzed the possible impact of the proposed measures. Results The authors propose a number of measures to suppress and neutralize the threats, and analyze the possible impact of the proposed measures. One of leading directions away from export commodity dependence of the Russian economy is the development of information and telecommunication technologies. The article proposes measures which can bring Russia among the world leaders in this technology area. With respect to the threat of exhaustion of stocks of major mineral resources, the authors consider the approach that can, in the long run, fundamentally expand the resource base of raw materials not only Russia, but also in the whole world, i.e. the extraction of mineral resources in outer space. In addition, the authors isolate the problem not mentioned in the National Security Strategy, i.e. the high proportion of foreign aircraft in the civil aviation sector of Russia. The paper considers the possible negative impact of this factor associated with the possibility of adoption of various restrictive measures by foreign States against Russia, proposes possible measures to curb such an impact. Relevance The results of the study can be used by the Federal authorities in the analysis of threats to the national interests and economic security of the Russian Federation and to develop programs and activities to counter these threats.
Keywords: national security, national interests, national economy, economic security, innovation, information technologies, space technologies, mineral resources, civil aviation
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