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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

The role of negative consumer activity in the Russian e-commerce market

Vol. 11, Iss. 2, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 7 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 55-62

Val'ko D.V. South Ural Institute of Management and Economics, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Importance In the paper, I investigate the interaction of companies and consumers in today's e-commerce market, their mutual activity in the space of transmission of the values and consumer experience.
     Objectives My article aims to substantiate the importance of social networks and enhancing of the role of negative consumer activity in the network social space of the Russian e-commerce market. The paper identifies the difficulty of ensuring the institutional regulation of consumer activity in the Internet in the scale of the national economy. I pay attention to the accounting of the specific transaction costs and network effects on the consumer market of e-commerce on the national economy scale.
     Methods Using the adaptation of the relationship of marketing paradigm, as well as the basic tenets of the theory of consumer networks to the conditions of functioning of modern e-commerce market, I identify the main features of consumer activity in this particular market.
     Results The article's findings identify the main types of negative consumer activity in the network, and they also construct the role matrix of consumer behavior. My paper proposes indicators of the assessment of consumers' network activity, which takes into account the positive and negative components. Their evaluation allows adjusting the strategy of the company's media presence in the e-commerce market. The paper offers an integrated index, which is interpreted as an indicator of consumer activity growth.
     Conclusions and Relevance I conclude that today's e-commerce market necessitates accounting of network effects, as well as both positive and negative consumers' activities in company's media-presence. The proposed system of indicators in mutual connection with the consumers' role segmentation will help today's companies make well-argued management decisions in a dynamic marketing environment of consumer e-commerce market.

Keywords: e-commerce, consumer market, social network activity, consumer activity


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