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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Organizational support to IT infrastructure management in the information security system of an enterprise

Vol. 11, Iss. 1, JANUARY 2015

Available online: 7 January 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 31-41

Tumbinskaya M.V. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - Kazan Aviation Institute, Kazan, Russian Federation

At present, the issue of information security management of an enterprise is extremely relevant. Its relevance is determined by aggravating problems of information security in the conditions of intensive improvement of data protection technologies and tools. It is proved by increased number of violations in the field of information protection and growing seriousness of their consequences. Globally, the total annual number of violations increases by more than 100%. In Russia, the number of reported crimes in the sphere of information security increases several times every year. The statistics shows that if a commercial organization leaks important internal information, it becomes a bankrupt in 60% of cases. Thus, there are factors and parameters that determine the need for a balanced approach to the indicated problem: the growing number of data-related threats and risks, inadequate information security of existing corporate information systems. The modern market dictates the need to ensure security and protection of commercial information and sensitive data. Protection of information resources at modern enterprises is one of the main areas, which requires a continuous analysis of the quality of resources, tools, security methods, as well as their prompt update and improvement. The article analyses the challenges to information integrity in corporate information systems, and information resources of modern enterprises. The author offers formalization of information security system optimization of an enterprise. The paper defines organizational management parameters of the IT infrastructure in the data security system of an enterprise, describes the information-processing procedure and decision-making while managing IT infrastructure within the information security system. The author describes a model of "personnel resource" influence on IT infrastructure management in the system of data protection of an enterprise and offers recommendations to minimize human resource risks and threats.

Keywords: Keywords: IT infrastructure management, enterprise information security, contour information processing, decision making, minimizing personnel risks, threats


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