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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Two Maidans in Ukraine: prerequisites, features and geopolitical consequences

Vol. 10, Iss. 41, NOVEMBER 2014

Available online: 1 November 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 51-59

Gur'yanov P.A. Saint-Petersburg State University of Trade and Economics, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Importance For several decades acute political crises have been occurring in Ukraine that led to the regular change of the country's highest authority. In fact, the authority change happens there once in 10 years.
     Objectives The article aims at determining the causes and characteristics of political crisis in Ukraine. I identify their implications and impact on Russia and other developed countries, and possible changes in the socio-economic interaction.
     Methods In my study, I use the theory of political and socio-economic analysis and synthesis using survey data and statistical services, as well as expert evaluation.
     Results The analysis shows that the causes of crises are diverse. During the first crisis, in 1994, the Ukrainian economy was in a catastrophic situation, the standard of living was much lower than in any year in the 21st century, but, in the end, everything went without acute consequences, and within the framework of the legal provisions. During the second crisis of 2004, the political temperature was much higher, and some illegal methods were used. The latest crisis in 2014 is the most sensitive for all time of existence of modern Ukraine, after all, as a result of the coup; the country has lost part of its territory and population. Actually, some regions have experienced civil war. It is extremely difficult to predict the subsequent events.
     Conclusions and Relevance The findings demonstrate that the present government has little interest in ordinary people's aspirations. The main task is to obtain economic profits from the EU, the U.S. and international financial institutions, and moreover, the various political factions vie for their share of benefits. These actions resulted in killing of civilians, the living standards of most of the population continue to decline, and there is a real problem associated with the State sovereignty preservation and the country's territorial integrity.

Keywords: capital flight, geopolitics, coup, civil society, two Maidans, Euromaidan, orange revolution, political crises, Republic of Crimea, socio-economic potential, middle class, unitary State, federation, economic aggression, elite groups


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