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National Interests: Priorities and Security

Development of green economy indicators at the regional level

Vol. 10, Iss. 40, OCTOBER 2014

Available online: 25 October 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 26-34

Yashalova N.N. Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Vologda region, Russian Federation

Importance At the present time, the attractiveness of the green economy concept has greatly increased. The assumption is that the green economy fosters the achieving the sustainable development. However, both Russian and foreign research practices have not developed the required list of indicators that evaluate the results of the transition process from the brown economy to the green one. These kinds of green economy indicators are required to assess and identify the trends in socio-ecological-economic regional development.
     Objectives My paper aims to develop the green economy indicators at the regional level in the context of the Vologda region.
     Methods On the basis of collection, processing and analysis of statistical indicators of the region, I have identified the positive and negative factors of the transition towards the green economy in the scope of the Vologda region.
     Results I have developed a system of green economy indicators based on the subject/problem - indicator approach, designed to facilitate the transition of the regional economy from technogenic to the eco-oriented path of development. The analysis findings reveal that in the Vologda region, the most developed indicators possess the favorable dynamics. Factors, which constrain the sustainable ecological and economic development include the following: the predominance of the industrial sector in the region, which is the most harmful to the environment; the significant level of accumulated depreciation of assets affecting the accident rate and the likelihood of environmental problems; low share of investment in the environmental protection sector.
     Conclusions and Relevance Based on the results of the study, I came to a conclusion that the Vologda region complies with the ecological, economic and social requirements, and that it is advancing towards the green economy. The main results and analysis of the green economy indicators might be helpful both to the State authorities for the regional programs adjustment and for the environmental institutions.

Keywords: indicators, green economy, environmental protection, Vologda region


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