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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






National Interests: Priorities and Security

Streamlining of the result oriented budgeting

Vol. 5, Iss. 22, NOVEMBER 2009

Available online: 25 November 2009

Subject Heading: FINANCES REGION

JEL Classification: 

Safonova N.G. Ph. D., economy, Chief of the financial and budgeting policy department of Voronezh Region

The result oriented budgeting mechanisms had been missing both on Federal and regional levels for a long time despite the fact that the yearly budget message of the President of the Russian Federation set a principle task: to increase the efficiency of the executive branches of the government and productivity of budgetary funds. The result oriented budgeting required the changes in the basic principles of functioning of the regional branches of the governmental authorities: transition to the result-oriented model of functioning the essence of which is the undisputable priority of the interests of consumers of the budget services (students, patients, etc.). We had to define clearly the results that were to be reached, and to strengthen the responsibility of the state authorities for the achievement of the results. Therefore new modern approaches and principles of reforming were demanded.

Keywords: program of reforms, budgeting, public services, quality standards, programs

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ISSN 2311-875X (Online)
ISSN 2073-2872 (Print)

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September 2024
