Subject. This article discusses the current environmental issues and challenges that require the involvement of specialists in green professions. Objectives. The article aims to analyze the need of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for environmentally oriented labor resources on the basis of a job-oriented approach. Methods. For the study, we used a qualitative content analysis. A job-oriented approach was also used according to the given algorithm. Results. The article finds that the largest number of green projects at all levels of the functioning of the national economy in 2023 were focused on waste management, as well as landscaping. However, high-tech workplaces are gradually being introduced, involving the IT sector professionals, to solve environmental problems using new methods that are more effective in terms of the amount of resources and time spent. Conclusions. The article concludes that the State is responsible for most of the projects supporting green employment in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The participation of private business in projects is observed to a lesser extent, and the support for environmental workers is most often indirect.
Keywords: green employment, labor market, environmental problem solving, labor activity, task-oriented approach
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