Special aspects of analyzing and assessing the financial stability of non-profit organizations: The case of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Altai Krai
Irina A. SHIPULINAAltai Economics Institute, Branch of St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics, Barnaul, Altai Krai, Russian Federation irina_shipulina_@mail.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article deals with financial stability and efficiency of entrepreneurial activity of non–profit organizations, using the Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry case. Objectives. The purpose is to consider and systematize theoretical and practical features of analysis and assessment of non-profit organizations’ financial stability, to analyze the financial condition and financial stability of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Altai Territory. Methods. We employed general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, horizontal analysis, calculation of financial coefficients. Results. We investigated the specifics, highlighted the main financial aspects in the functioning of non-profit organizations in Russia. On the case of the Altai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we considered and defined the specifics of analysis and assessment of financial stability of non-profit organizations. Conclusions. Based on empirical analysis of finances of the largest non-profit organization of the Altai Territory, which provides organizational, legal, foreign economic, and other business support, we concluded on high financial risks of such companies and the possibility of divergent results of financial stability and financial position of non-profit organizations. This is also typical of commercial organizations in general.
Keywords: non-profit organization, NPO, financial stability, financial ratio
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