Importance The article presents results of the analysis of existing approaches to risk assessment, highlights weaknesses of existing methods for risk assessment and management, as well as a new approach that takes into account the specifics of scientific and production enterprises of the nuclear industry. Objectives The research devises analytical tools to monitor total risk exposure of the scientific and production enterprise in the nuclear industry. Methods The methodological framework relies upon unbiased principles of a systems approach, provisions of economic analysis, logic and comprehensive approaches to evaluating economic phenomena and processes. Results I examined the existing approaches to risk assessment in the enterprise operating in the nuclear industry, and identified the main weaknesses of the existing methods. Conclusions and Relevance The proposed risk assessment approach helps to obtain the information on the risk exposure in terms of a specific risk or a combination of risks within the necessary period, and to monitor the risk exposure on an ongoing basis, thereby allowing for reasonable solutions for optimizing risks of the scientific and production enterprise in the nuclear industry. The article can be useful for specialists of financial departments who make up financial decisions.
Keywords: risk, evaluation, scientific and production enterprise, nuclear industry, financing activity
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