pp. 204–222
Assessing the state and need for standardization of accounting for biological assets and results of their biotransformation
( Rolan A. ALBOROV / Svetlana V. KOZMENKOVA / Grigorii R. ALBOROV / Meri K. DZHIKIYA )
pp. 223–236
Methodology to assess the feasibility of controlling at a machine-building enterprise
( Elena A. GVOZDEVA )
pp. 237–262
Analyzing a holding company (group of companies) during the transformation period: Methodology and algorithms (the PAO PhosAgro case)
( Vera G. KOGDENKO )
pp. 263–283
The sphere of State customs services as a service economic and management system: Conceptual ideas and research problems
( Maiya V. BOIKOVA / Viktor V. MAKRUSEV / Vladimir E. NOVIKOV )
pp. 284–299
Precision agriculture in the regional system of strategic development of grain production
pp. 300–315
Threats to economic security from the implementation of derivative investment projects in the field of protection of transport infrastructure facilities
( Dmitrii A. FIRSOV / Yana S. ZHUKOVA )
pp. 316–333
Improving the methods to assess the investment attractiveness of fast-growing companies
( Yuliya A. LUKINA )
pp. 334–357
Methodology for comprehensive assessment of the fisheries complex enterprises' bankruptcy probability
( Ol'ga A. PRYAMUKHINA / Natal'ya V. GORISLAVSKAYA / Vladislav G. SHENDO )
pp. 358–377
A methodological approach to assessing the sustainability and economic security of an enterprise
( Valerii L. POZDEEV / Svetlana V. GRIGOR'EVA )
pp. 378–396
Criteria for choosing the type of model and method of data normalization in the index approach of social process analysis
( Svetlana N. OVSYANNIKOVA / Anastasiya S. MARYASHINA / Angelina S. PISKULINA )