pp. 1394–1411
Developing high-tech industries and services in Russia in times of crisis: Panel data analysis for 2013–2017
( Spitsyn V.V. / Mikhal'chuk A.A. / Trifonov A.Yu. / Bulykina A.A. )
pp. 1412–1427
An analysis of the Russian energy potential
( Smirnov V.V. / Mulendeeva A.V. )
pp. 1428–1447
Measuring the efficiency of government support measures for renewable energy and energy efficient economy: A review of approaches
( Ratner S.V. / Gomonov K.G. )
pp. 1448–1463
Evaluating the social and economic efficiency of investment in high-tech perinatal centers considering the learning curve effect
( Ginoyan A.B. / Mel'nikov R.M. )
pp. 1464–1477
Analyzing the efficiency of development projects funded with the use of escrow accounts
( Kogan A.B. / Chaetskii A.A. )
pp. 1478–1493
Using smart contracts in contract activity: Transaction costs and limitations
( Karpychev V.Yu. )
pp. 1494–1507
Specifics and analysis results of livestock products cost in modern conditions
( Rafikova N.T. / Bakirova R.R. / Khazieva A.M. )
pp. 1508–1522
Competitive environment as a factor of introducing innovations in the medical equipment segment
( Varvus S.A. / Nizeev A.D. )
pp. 1523–1542
Modeling the innovation activity of the Russian Federation subjects in conditions of new technological reality
( Smirnova O.P. / Ponomareva A.O. )
pp. 1543–1564
A structural-functional model of company's foreign trade activity in the context of the system paradigm of the economy
( Oleinik S.P. )
pp. 1565–1580
Prospects for applying the artificial neural networks to solve business problems under sourcing conditions
( Farkhutdinov I.I. / Isavnin A.G. )
pp. 1581–1592
Analyzing and modeling the assessment of consumer preferences of medical and preventive treatment facility services
( Ivanova I.A. / Antipenkov A.G. )