pp. 2-11
Defining priorities and investment support for the Russian economy development
( Tyutyukina E.B. / Kapranova L.D. / Sedash T.N. )
pp. 12-21
A strategic model of industrial enterprises' adaptation to external environment conditions
( Orlova E.E. )
pp. 22-28
Specifics of applying the comparative economic analysis methods in the assessment of financial position of an organization
( Vyborova E.N. )
pp. 29-41
The effectiveness analysis of economic mechanisms of flight safety management
( Varyukhina E.V. / Klochkov V.V. )
pp. 42-48
Improving internal controls over intangible assets in the conditions of innovation-driven economy
( Maisigova L.A. )
pp. 49-60
A system analysis in the innovation-driven economy
( Firstov Yu.P. / Fedorov P.L. / Khusniyarov M.R. )