Subject. The article addresses corporate sustainability assessment. Objectives. The purpose is to propose a system of indicators of company's activity, enabling to identify the degree of its environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Methods. The study rests on modeling various metric systems in the field of synthesis of financial and non-financial reporting data. Results. The paper offers a list of social, environmental, and economic analytical business parameters sufficient to diagnose the degree of sustainable development of the company, and the format and principles of non-financial reporting presentation, contributing to increasing its applied usefulness, formalizes the method of obtaining this data, defines the role of model proposed by A.D. Sheremet in the metric pool formation of the economic direction, and the logic of connection between the metrics of social, environmental, and economic directions. Conclusions. The proposed principle of relationship between the parameters allows the developed system of indicators to be integrated into the concept of stability based on the application of the Euler–Venn diagram.
Keywords: decoupling, reporting, sustainable development
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