Anastasiya V. KOLESNIKOVAV.I. Russian Foreign Trade Academy of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article addresses the climate policy formation as an object of scientific research that requires consideration from the perspective of its detailed synchronization with climate policies implemented in other countries. Objectives. The study aims to review mechanisms for greenhouse gas emissions reduction in Russia and other countries of the world, identify barriers in the implementation of existing support mechanisms, and formulate proposals to eliminate them. Methods. The study draws on scholarly papers and applied research of Russian and foreign scientists in sustainable development, environment protection and climate policy, provisions of international law, legal and methodological acts of Russia. The performed research rests on general principles of scientific approach, including systems, comparative, historical approach, acting as a basis for analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, and systematization. Results. The study revealed that two types of mechanisms are considered in the world practice that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, i.e. market and administrative-technical. The mechanisms for greenhouse gas emissions reduction implemented in Russia are generally consisted with those implemented worldwide. Conclusions. Though the mechanisms implemented within the framework of Russia's climate policy and aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions are generally consistent with the world practice, the analysis of their implementation indicates a lack of support at the federal and regional levels.
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