Subject. The article addresses a set of socio-economic relations, conditions, factors, trends determined by the general logic of investment at the regional level, arising during the development, justification, implementation, and adjustment of strategies of subjects of the Russian Federation. Objectives. The aim is to examine investment and strategic priorities of the socio-economic development of the macroregion, investment strategies formation in the subjects of the Russian Federation, determining the directions and priorities of investment activities in regions. Methods. The study rests on the system-strategic, spatial, analytical, and comparative methods. Results. We analyzed development indicators of the subjects of the Russian Federation within the Ural macroregion (Ural Economic region), reflecting the state and current trends in their investment and strategic socio-economic development. The paper presents the main priorities, directions and goals of regional investment activities, the implementation of which is determined by strategies of socio-economic development of subjects of the macroregion. It also demonstrates the data on the presence or absence of investment strategy of the region, an investment standard and its key elements. Conclusions. Despite the fact that not all regions develop an investment strategy, socio-economic development strategies reflect targets that indicate some kind of universality, enabling to compare them. Most regions have a separate section on investments in their socio-economic development strategies, but it is necessary to strengthen the integration of the investment strategy into the socio-economic development strategy.
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