Subject. The article explores models of internal dynamics of State and municipal sports institutions’ extra-budgetary activities. Objectives. The study aims to describe possible points of application of efforts to increase extra-budgetary revenues of State and municipal sports institutions, using internal dynamics models, and develop recommendations for building a model of extra-budgetary activities. Methods. We employed general scientific methods of cognition, modeling, systems analysis, and econometric methods. Results. Seven-year statistics data demontrate an increase in the volume of paid services in the field of physical culture and sports. This indicates the dynamics of prices for such services and a change in the number of consumers, which significantly affect the development of value propositions within the framework of extra-budgetary activities. We constructed models of internal dynamics based on a business model template by A. Osterwalder and Y. Pigneur that show the relationship of factors affecting the level of extra-budgetary revenues. Using models of internal dynamics, we show points of application of efforts to increase extra-budgetary revenues of State and municipal sports institutions. Conclusions. To build an off-budget activities model, we proposed "growth points", on which it is possible to focus to increase and further stabilize off-budget revenues.
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