Subject. The article addresses indicators characterizing the level of scientific and technological development of the world's major economies as of 2023. Objectives. The purpose is to examine trends and promising areas of scientific and technological transformation of the world's largest economies within the framework of global relevant concepts. Methods. The study employs methods of descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis, with the construction of a dendrogram of distribution of countries into clusters by the Ward's method. The statistical databases of the World Bank for 2022–2023 served as an information base. Results. The paper presents an overview of popular areas of domestic and foreign research within the topic under consideration, determines the circle of the largest economies in the world by the largest volume of GDP at purchasing power parity, assesses the level of scientific and technological development of the world's largest economies, defines the key parameters of scientific and technological transformation, and classifies countries by level of development based on methods of economic and mathematical modeling, provides a developed conceptual model of global scientific and technological transformation. Conclusions. The findings are of interest to government-specific governance structures and can be integrated into programs for scientific and technological transformation of industry within the framework of global concepts, taking into account potential spillover effects expressed in the form of expanding opportunities for diversification and commercialization of domestic research and development.
Keywords: scientific and technological transformation, world's major economies, patent activity, global concepts
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