Subject. The article investigates the potential demand for industrial land. Objectives. Our purpose is to give our own assessment of the current demand for the development of industrial parks, develop a methodology for assessing the potential demand for industrial land in the region. Methods. We employed methods of logical, statistical analysis, and expert assessment. Results. The paper establishes that demand for industrial lands in Russia continues to grow in recent years. The trend towards the development of industrial parks is also continuing. Experts believe this trend is likely to continue over the long term due to the achievement of strategic objectives of industrial development of regions and country as a whole, development of import substitution, and attraction of foreign investment from new partners. The developed methodology enabled to compare the supply and demand of industrial lands on the case of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, with and without the occupancy of industrial parks. Conclusions. The analysis helped formulate conclusions on satisfied and unsatisfied demand for industrial lands in the region.
Keywords: demand potential, industrial lands, technopark, industrial park
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