Subject. The article addresses a technopark as a form of a digital ecosystem that has a certain structure and is characterized by the features of structural components and their interrelationships. Objectives. The study aims to develop a methodology for assessing the maturity level of digital ecosystem, which enables to determine the stage of ecosystem's life cycle and the level of its development. Methods. The assessment rests on the developed multifactorial methodology. It includes three interrelated complex parameters (resource and infrastructure security, the level of development of central relational mechanisms, and ecosystem productivity). The methodology is based on methods of scoring and identifying correlation between indicators characterizing the maturity level of each component of the ecosystem. Results. From a theoretical perspective, we developed an assessment methodology. It is unique in its multifactorial and structural approach to assessing the maturity of ecosystems. From a practical point of view, we built ratings of IT parks, which clearly reflect the stage of ecosystem development, factors ensuring the growth of productivity, and socio-economic effect from ecosystem mechanisms of the IT park. The study identifies the best ecosystems of IT parks and ecosystems that need to be developed and supported financially and institutionally. Conclusions. The assessment methodology is applicable for monitoring and evaluating the stage of development of IT parks as digital regional ecosystems.
Keywords: digital ecosystem, technopark, ecosystem approach, innovation ecosystem
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