Feiyue SULomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation feiyue_su@mail.ru ORCID id: not available
Subject. The article investigates prospects for improving the efficiency of waste use in the ferrous metallurgy of China. Objectives. The purpose is to develop strategic recommendations to improve the efficiency of waste use in the Chinese ferrous metallurgy and optimize decision-making tools in this area, to analyze the applied technologies of waste processing and use. Methods. The methodology of strategizing, developed by V.L. Kvint, a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the methodology of industry strategizing, proposed by N.I. Sasaev, which enables to consider in detail the stages and sub-stages of industry strategizing, serve as the theoretical basis of the study. Results. I analyzed the existing experience of developing the strategy of China's ferrous metallurgy in the context of the circular economy, considered some strategic opportunities for improving the investment decision support system in the waste management process in the ferrous metallurgy of China. Conclusions. Strategic recommendations for improving the efficiency of waste use in the ferrous metallurgy of the People's Republic of China include the introduction of integrated waste recycling technologies in the production of ferrous metallurgy and strategic redistribution of resources from current waste use areas (scrap steel, lead) to more promising areas.
Keywords: waste management, ferrous metallurgy waste, Chinese ferrous metallurgy, strategic analysis, industry strategizing
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