Subject. The article addresses the efficiency and sustainability of public, private, and foreign-owned enterprises. Objectives. The aim is to develop and test a methodology for analyzing the said enterprises. Methods. The study rests on general scientific principles and research methods, like abstraction, generalization of approaches to the analysis of enterprises of different forms of business ownership. Results. I developed a methodology, which includes three stages. First, estimating the share of enterprises of different forms of ownership in total assets, revenue, and profit, and analyzing the sectoral and regional sample structure and enterprise size. Second, assessing the short-term and long-term efficiency, with analysis of profitability indicators, long-term dynamics, and investment activity. Finally, analyzing the adaptability of enterprises of different forms of ownership to changed conditions, and evaluating the indicators of financial stability, riskness, and dynamics for 2022. Conclusions. I tested the methodology on data from large Russian consolidated businesses (a total of 593 enterprises for 2018–2022). The calculations and analysis showed that private business prevails in assets, revenue, and net profit. For State-owned enterprises, the most significant industry is oil and gas production, for foreign-owned ones – production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, for private enterprises – retail trade. Higher profitability is typical for foreign and private enterprises. The analysis of adaptability to current conditions showed that revenue growth rate in 2022 did not decrease vs. the annual average for all groups of enterprises, however, profit and profitability indicators deteriorated. In general, large consolidated public, private, and foreign-owned business demonstrated a relatively high degree of stability in 2022 with a decrease in profit and profitability, and now it continues investment activity.
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