Subject. The article considers the impact of fuel and energy complex on economic development and energy security of the Russian Federation. Objectives. The aim is to identify trends and specific features of Russia’s fuel and energy complex development in conditions of reindustrialization, and to work out practical recommendations for improving its energy security, focusing on elimination of imbalances in the development of extractive and manufacturing industries. Methods. We employed methods of systems analysis and analysis of statistical data. The general scientific method of induction was applied to establish the relationship between the consumption of resources by processing industries and the total internal consumption of energy resources. Results. We performed the analysis of energy consumption by type of economic activity. It established that in the Russian Federation, the ratio of energy consumption by manufacturing industries to total domestic consumption was stable from 2005 to 2021. The focus was on the correlation of energy exports and imports of manufacturing products and related processes increasing the imbalance in the development of extractive and manufacturing industries. We also analyzed the workload of domestic production in three groups: primary resource processing, secondary materials processing and deep materials processing. We offered to consider large-scale implementation of projects in the field of electric power industry abroad with the supply of domestic power engineering equipment as one of powerful incentives for reindustrialization in the field of high-tech industries. Conclusions. The implementation of investment projects related to export of energy engineering products is a powerful incentive for reindustrialization, both in the power engineering industry and in other high-tech industries, creating a multiplicative effect.
Keywords: fuel and energy complex, energy resources, energy security, power engineering, reindustrialization
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