Subject. The article addresses the Healthcare project and its goals, which occupies a special place among national projects. Objectives. The aim is to identify trends in the development of the healthcare economy as part of the Healthcare National Project. Methods. The methodology rests on systems and process approaches to the problem under study. We employed general scientific methods of logical analysis and synthesis. Results. The study presents the analysis of Healthcare National Project financing in the context of federal projects that comprise it. Special attention is given to the implementation of the Development of Children's Healthcare Federal Project, in particular, to the analysis of recorded diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue, the proportion of disabled children in the total number of sick children. The findings will enable to draw attention to ongoing activities during the implementation of the Development of Children's Healthcare project, to improve the procedure for determining areas for funding. Conclusions. The analysis of major positions of the national project under study, detailed development of statistical indicators of one of classes of diseases makes it possible to revise the financing of directions within the national project. The findings may serve as analytical justification for reviewing the positions of the project and substantiating the development of optimal funding positions.
Keywords: financing, healthcare, national project, children's disease
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