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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Key indicators in the assessment of personnel security

Vol. 21, Iss. 8, AUGUST 2022

Received: 25 June 2022

Received in revised form: 3 July 2022

Accepted: 10 July 2022

Available online: 30 August 2022


JEL Classification: M12, М42, M54, J63, J81

Pages: 1436–1459


Lyudmila V. KASHIRSKAYA Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


Subject. I consider key indicators for assessing the personnel security.
Objectives. The study aims to make a comprehensive analysis of human resources audit, including the assessment of effectiveness of personnel, using the tools for economic activity analysis.
Methods. I present a procedure for staffing and position evaluation and personnel safety assessment, using key indicators of analysis, within which I highlight assessment of workplace safety, recruitment and dismissal of personnel, assessment of motivation, incentives, working conditions and safety, assessment of personnel potential, and staff training.
Results. I propose measures that will improve the procedure for conducting inspections of personnel, assessing their potential and safety, and systematizing the issues of verification methodology in this area in order to strengthen achieved results, and for preventive purposes. The offered elements of personnel security assessment and verification are the core for the development of optimal positions for company management and creation of measures to prevent violations by personnel.
Conclusions. The offered procedures will enable to timely identify and understand reasons that lead to unfavorable situations; unveil hidden reserves to optimize company's human resources; develop a specific plan and indicators for diagnosing the effectiveness of personnel; evaluate future financial results and the potential of the company.

Keywords: key indicators, analysis, personnel security


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