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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

Analyzing the features of service robotics development and distribution during the coronavirus pandemic

Vol. 20, Iss. 7, JULY 2021

Received: 20 May 2021

Received in revised form: 31 May 2021

Accepted: 19 June 2021

Available online: 29 July 2021


JEL Classification: O14, O31, O33

Pages: 1321–1342


Tat'yana A. KOMKINA Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS (CEMI RAS), Moscow, Russian Federation


Marina G. DUBININA Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS (CEMI RAS), Moscow, Russian Federation


Subject. The work analyzes the features of service robotics development and distribution during the coronavirus pandemic, using the case of delivery drones and UVC disinfection robots.
Objectives. The aim is to identify the main trends in the development of certain types of service robots during the COVID-19 period, analyze technical and economic characteristics, assess assistive technologies for the future development of robotics.
Methods. The study draws on methods of correlation and regression analysis. To assess the development trends of certain types of service robots, we apply website data of manufacturers of the equipment under consideration.
Results. We unveil major trends in the development and production of certain types of service robots during the fight against coronavirus, using the case of unmanned aerial vehicles and disinfection robots. The development of delivery drones is aimed at solving the problems of flight efficiency, increasing the flight time, reducing the energy use and noise, and ensuring the safety of delivered goods. Medical robotics developers focus on streamlining the management interface, increasing the speed of task execution, enhancing the reporting abilities.
Conclusions. Our analysis shows that the coronavirus pandemic affected the speed of development and implementation of robots in medicine. The market is shifting towards the production of UV-disinfection robots. The most important technical and economic characteristics of the main types of disinfection robots are the surface treatment cycle to achieve the maximum disinfecting effect, maximum operating time (without recharging), charging time, wavelength of radiation, weight of device.

Keywords: service robot, coronavirus, delivery drone, medical robot for disinfection, technical and economic performance


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