Subject The article considers the implementation of a set of measures to facilitate the adaptation of forests to future climate risks. Objectives The aim is to analyze research findings on existing and recommended climate change mitigation and adaptation options applied to tropical and boreal forests, to consider the possibility of adopting these measures in the Russian forestry sector. Methods The study employs methods of comparative analysis, systematic review of academic literature and other sources, and synthesis of research results. Results I analyzed the list of climate change mitigation and adaptation options in the forest industry, and revealed that these measures can either strengthen or weaken each others’ capabilities in practice. The paper demonstrates significant progress in implementing the said options in a number of countries. For instance, the development and promotion of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation UN programme (REDD+) encouraged some developing countries to reduce agricultural expansion at the expense of forests. Conclusions As for the Russian forestry sector, the application of considered practices, especially in the sphere of adaptation of forest ecosystems to climate change is a key factor in the transition to sustainable forest management.
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