Subject The article substantiates situational models of managing the efficiency of enterprise operation as a decision-making tool in conditions of uncertainty of internal and external environment and lack of information. Objectives The purpose of the study is to make recommendations for selecting effective management solutions under uncertainty through differentiating possible destructive disturbances between standard management areas with a specific set of efficiency improvement tools. Methods The proposed approach draws on the theory of decision-making under uncertainty and risk, the study of the essence of the performance category, the use of hierarchy as a model for streamlining the enterprise structure, the study of interaction with external environment and assessment of its impact on achieving the goals. Results We developed a situational model of managing the efficiency of enterprise operation. It enables to make economically feasible decisions without difficult procedures for analysis and justification, which are time-consuming and costly. It also helps reduce the time the enterprise needs to respond to emerging challenges when information is scarce. Conclusions The presented model may serve as an analytical tool to support innovation policy and strategies for enterprise efficiency enhancement.
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