Importance The article discusses a search for methods to increase the efficiency of management in the housing and public utilities sector of the Donetsk region. Objectives The objective of the research is to review foreign approaches to effective functioning and management of companies operating in the housing and utility sector, to consider the possibility and expediency of their use in the management of municipal utilities of the Donetsk region. Methods The paper draws on methods of economic-and-mathematical modeling, time series forecasting and dynamics simulation. They enabled to accurately simulate changes in the performance of Public Utility Company Teplo Donbassa. The scenario analysis helped assessing the efficacy of implementing foreign methods and approaches to management by the analyzed enterprise. Results The paper systematizes foreign management practices in housing and communal services, assesses constraints, concludes on the applicability of each method by domestic public utility enterprises on the Public Utility Company Teplo Donbassa case. Conclusions and Relevance There are technical, technological, social and economic barriers to introducing a number of foreign methods at the public utility enterprises of the Donetsk region. The scenario analysis of the efficacy of implementing other foreign methods shows their insufficient performance and the need for developing domestic models and methods.
Keywords: housing and communal services, simulation modeling, scenario analysis, process model, financial result
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