RETRACTED: Economic-and-mathematical modeling of regional socio-economic system's reproduction contour development
Retraction reason: Redundant publication. The article has been published in Journal: Link The article retraction was innitiated by the journal editor. Retraction date September 25, 2019
Importance Reproduction processes of regional socio-economic systems are of nonlinear and multiple-aspect nature. It is crucial to perform economic and mathematical measurement and prediction of these systems' functioning given a number of specific features, like resource-and-climate, social-and-economic, etc. to accurately assess the condition of the regional economy. Objectives The aims are to develop theoretical and methodological bases of economic-mathematical modeling of regional socio-economic systems reproducing the conditions of their operation in external environment, devise and test an applied model of regional reproduction contour to diagnose these systems' condition and development. Methods Modeling the contour of a regional socio-economic system implies implies building a balance model with a nonlinear economic relationships, which are formed on the basis of using power functions and the method of Lagrange. The latter enables to simulate consumer choice of resources at minimum cost. Results The paper describes the economic-and-mathematical model of reproduction contour of regional socio-economic system and presents the results of its testing based on statistical data of the Perm Krai. Conclusions and Relevance The developed model enables more precise measurement and analysis of changes in the parameters of regional economy through consideration of territorial specifics of economic management and integrated impact of a competition, innovation and investment.
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