Importance The introduction of labor-saving technologies in industry may reduce the number of persons employed; this is likely to cause employees' resistance to innovation. Objectives The aim of the study is to analyze the effect of labor-saving technologies on the development of the labor market in Russian high-tech industries, and to determine conditions under which the innovation will be beneficial not only for employers, but also for employees, and will not result in downsizing. Methods To evaluate the prospective number of employees and labor productivity in high-tech industries, I apply the economic and mathematical model describing a change in these parameters depending on the share of Russian producers on the components markets and the share of added value produced in Russia. The model considers the effect of training in the performance of manufacturing operations. The model is based on the Cournot competition model to determine conditions under which employees will be interested in introducing labor-saving technologies. Results The economic and mathematical analysis performed on the statistics of the aircraft industry shows that in the short term the staff redundancy at enterprises of Russian high-tech industries is unavoidable. The employees will be interested in increasing the productivity, if certain proportion of labor costs to variable costs is achieved. Conclusions In the global market of high-technology goods, labor productivity growth is a competitive advantage. However, it will be possible to increase demand for products with long life cycle and to retain employees, only if final product’s characteristics change in principle and its operating costs decrease crucially.
Keywords: high-tech industry, labor productivity, social risks, volume of employment, congruence of interests
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