Subject The article addresses the problem of human resource qualification in the housing and utilities sector. Objectives The study aims to analyze the condition and performance of labor resources in the housing and utilities sector, to find causal relationships of the existing problems, and to make recommendations to solve them. Methods Using analytical methods, we identified various aspects of the condition of labor resources in the housing and communal services sector, defined the most efficient management systems and suggestions for improvement. The study also employs statistical and empirical techniques. Results The analysis unveiled both merits and demerits of the current human resource management systems at the enterprise under investigation that significantly influence the staff turnover. It helped make changes, liquidate adverse conditions, develop a motivation policy, and choose methods, including administrative, economic and socio-psychological ones. Conclusions Human resources are the basis of successful functioning of the sector under market conditions. Therefore, special attention should be given to increasing the motivation, work conditions and labor efficiency. So, for 6 months, the turnover at the analyzed enterprise has decreased, dissatisfaction with work has reduced. Full implementation of the planned two-year program is intended to reduce the shortage of skilled manpower.
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