Importance The use of the shared values concept, implying the interaction of business and society at the regional economy level contributes to its transition from the industry-oriented scenario of development to the innovative one. Objectives The aim of the study is to provide a rationale for applying the concept of shared values in the regional socio-economic system. Methods The study employs methods of comparative analysis and synthesis and a systems approach. They enabled to develop a modified model of formation and distribution of enterprise's profit and a model of the system's development. Results Based on the findings, I offer two models: a model of enterprise's profit formation and distribution from the point of view of the shared values concept that includes a social component; and a model of the regional socio-economic system's development that implies the use of the mechanism of collaboration to ensure a coordinated interaction of all institutions of the market economy to solve social problems. Conclusions and Relevance There is a need for transforming the traditional understanding of the formation and distribution of profit of the entrepreneur. The application of the concept of shared values will help effectively allocate resources, taking into account consumer preferences and needs. At the level of the regional economy, it is required to actively implement the elements of cooperation and interaction between various institutions.
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