Importance The current problem of reduction in the volumes of investment lending by banks under economic risks and unstable macroeconomic processes prevents businesses from developing their long-term investment projects. Objectives The study aims to analyze investment lending provided by banks, identify challenges and risks, and find solutions to mitigate bank's risks inherent in investment lending. Methods Applying the statistical and mathematical methods, I analyze the volume of investment lending provided by banks in Russia. The paper presents a method to evaluate forms and techniques of investment lending and a procedure to assess the efficiency of investment projects. Results The analysis revealed a downward trend in investment lending to Russian enterprises operating in the real sector. Furthermore, it demonstrated the dependence of the enterprises on conventional bank loans and third-party lending with a declining share of their own funds in the total credit portfolio. The findings show the increasing complexity of investment lending to enterprises by commercial banks. This affects the development of investment projects of enterprises and the overall economy. Conclusions and Relevance Investment lending under unstable macroeconomic situation becomes more expensive and is exposed to economic risks for both commercial banks and companies (borrowers). It is crucial to increase the share of credit funds in the project portfolio of enterprises and to perform a more thorough analysis of their financial condition.
Keywords: bank, investment, lending, risk, pattern
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