Subject The article explores models of capital investment financing in the Kemerovo oblast being a typically industrial region. Based on these models evaluation, the paper offers certain areas for investment process boosting. Objectives The concept of the research is to address the evaluation of the existing models of investment financing by economic sectors of a typically industrial region in conjunction with structural characteristics of its investment process. Methods The study employs the economic and statistical method, grouping, comparative analysis, and a graphical method. Results The paper analyzes the nominal increase in capital investment in the Kemerovo oblast from the perspective of two factors: the increase in prices at investment project implementation and real growth of investments; examines groups of economic sectors of the Kemerovo oblast with different real result in the nominal increase in capital investment; shows that the selected groups of economic sectors correspond to the type of investment financing subject to strategic priorities of the oblast development. Conclusions The study defines trends in low investment efficiency of those economic sectors, where investment activity is mainly determined by the national and regional policy. It also identifies possibilities for the investment process modification in the priority areas of regional development under investment resource scarcity.
Keywords: investment, regional development, funding source, financing, industrial region
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