Nagoeva T.A.PPerm Institute (Branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Perm, Russian Federation
Subject The article addresses the use of two concepts, i.e. health resort complex and health system. The authors of academic papers in most cases use the first concept. The complex concept does not necessarily imply the existence of clear and reasonable connections between the components, and the system concept focuses on the relationship between basic and additional components ensuring the development of sanatorium and resort activities. Objectives The study aims to provide a refined definition of the health resort system, and to build its structure accompanied by the description of relationships between its components. Methods The study draws on the analysis of scientific papers on healthcare, rehabilitation medicine, primary wellness tourism, health resort business and recreation. Statistical analysis is based on a significant amount of data on the condition of the sanatorium-and-resort complex and incidence in the Russian Federation. Results The findings prove the need for a systems approach when determining a set of elements that form the structure of the health resort system. The offered structure of the system includes grouping the elements into several functional blocks. This provides a detailed interrelation between them. We examined the socio-economic role of health resort activities to meet the challenges related to improving the life quality and health of the population. Conclusions The management of the health resort system of the State or region requires applying a systems approach aimed at creating a mechanism that can solve many social and economic problems of Russia.
Keywords: sanatorium, health resort complex, service, socio-economic development, recreation
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