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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice

A three-star hotel sector in St. Petersburg: state and development prospects

Vol. 13, Iss. 35, SEPTEMBER 2014

Available online: 19 September 2014


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 34-41

Chernysheva L.A. Institute of Television, Business and Design, St. Petersburg, RussianFederation

Yakimovich G.B. Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg, RussianFederation

The article provides a comparison of thethree-star hotel sector of St. Petersburg with a number of European capitals by such indicators as number of rooms per one thousand city residents, occupancy, room rates, hotel businessefficiency. The authors have traced the dynamics of theindicators and their forecast values. The analysis of all indicators under the criterion-based standard technique showed that there is a considerable potential for developmentof this hotel type.

Keywords: hotel, occupancy rate, three-star, dynamics, comparison


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  2. Otel'nyishkvalpozadi [The hotel tornado is over]. Available at:Link. (In Russ.)
  3. Kriteriivyboraotelya: chegokhotyatgosti? [Hotel selection criteria: what do guests want?].Available at:Link. (In Russ.)
  4. Peterburg v etomgoduprimet 5,7mlnturistov [This year St. Petersburg will host 5.7 million tourists].Available at:Link # ixzz2TNx9suNL. (In Russ.)
  5. Yakimovich G.B. Gostinichnyisektor“tri zvezdy” Sankt-Peterburga [The three-starhotel sector of Saint-Petersburg].Natsional'nyeinteresy: prioritetyibezopasnost' – National interests: priorities and security,2013, no. 34, pp. 58–64.
  6. Yakimovich G.B. Parametryeffektivnostigostinichnogobiznesa v Sankt-Peterburge [The hotel business effectiveness parametersof St. Petersburg].Regional'nayaekonomika: teoriyaipraktika – Regional economics: theory and practice, 2012, no. 26, pp. 29–35.
  7. Yakimovich G.B., Pantyukhova T.S. Podkhod k otsenkeinnovatsionnogopotentsialaturisticheskoiindustriiregiona [An approach to assessing the innovation potential of tourism industry of a region].Ekonomicheskiianaliz: teoriyaipraktika – Economic analysis: theory and practice, 2013, no. 22, pp.18–27.

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