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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Finance and Credit

«Finance and Credit»

Vol. 24, Iss. 4, April 2018

 Financial control

pp. 755—766

Risk-based internal audit in the system of signs and causes of fraud identification

Smetanko A.V. / Kulyakina E.L. )


pp. 767—783

Mechanisms of tax incentives for the development of green transport systems: The experience of Norway

Ratner S.V. )


pp. 784—797

Developing and practical testing the tools for integrated assessment of petrochemical enterprises' preparedness to implement innovation projects

Yashin S.N. / Okhezina G.M. / Belova N.V. )

pp. 798—816

Investment as an element of economic security assessment in the health sector

Zaitsev S.V. / Nadeina I.A. )


pp. 819—832

The influence of monetary policy on economic growth in Russia: Theoretical approaches and practical implementation

Semenova N.N. / Eremina O.I. )

 Financial control

pp. 833—844

Overdue receivables of the organization: Quality analysis, ways of prevention and regulation

Kasacheva O.V. / Udod V.A. )


pp. 845—859

Budget revenue classification: Past, present, and future

Parshina I.V. )


pp. 860—876

Financial components of the investment process in the regions: Essence and evaluation

Edronova V.N. / Maslakova D.O. )


pp. 879—894

Budget as a material basis of bureaucracy in the Russian Federation

Shvetsov Yu.G. )

 Financial control

pp. 895—912

The principle of professionalism of the State customer in the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services

Matveeva N.S. )


pp. 913—928

Assessment of Time Effects in BRICS Markets

Vatrushkin S.V. )


pp. 929—938

Personnel problems of the Arctic Region's development

Kornyakov K.A. )


pp. 941—953

Crisis dynamics as a manifestation of cyclical and coherent processes determined by a set of discrete macroeconomic cycles in the world economy

Loginov E.L. / Shkuta A.A. / Loginova V.E. )

 Financial system

pp. 954—967

The Russian practice of functioning of development institutions: Are changes in regulation necessary?

Frumina S.V. )

 Securities market

pp. 968—982

Evolution of the Russian securities market

Arsakhanova Z.A. / Kurazova D.A. )


pp. 983—1000

World experience in the use of revolving funds as a tool for improving the financing of infrastructure environmental projects

Latypova M.V. )


ISSN 2311-8709 (Online)
ISSN 2071-4688 (Print)

Journal current issue

Vol. 30, Iss. 8
August 2024
